Saturday, July 25, 2009


Case Study: July 25th 2009
Subject: Tinley Park Condo Located In The Grafton Place Subdivision

Original List Price: $179,729
Final Sold Price: $174,000
Buyer Credits: $0
Total Net Amount: $174,000
List To Sold Difference: $5729
List To Sold Ratio: 2.94%
Days On Market Until Contract: 20 Days
Average list to sold price ratio at time of sale for like properties: 7%
Average Market Days for like properties in the area: 180 Days

As you can see the result of this sale was highly successful. Not only did we accomplish selling the property in record time we received an offer that was more than 4% above the average list to sold price ratio for like properties in the area. When I talk about like properties I am talking about basically the exact same units in the complex of Grafton Place.

I know what your next thoughts are, the property was sold for less than the other properties. This is not accurate, the property sold for exactly what the market was demanding. It sold for market value and possibly more. I have listed below what the competition sold for:

FYI: All the competitive properties are exactly the same model and location. The only difference would be the homeowners decor and the floor the condo is located.

Competitor One:
List Price Amount: $184,900
Net Sale Amount: $174,000
Days On The Market: 93 Days

Competitor Two:
List Price Amount: $214,900
Net Sale Amount: $175,000
Days On The Market: 403 Days

Competitor Three:
List Price Amount: $222,500
Net Sale Amount: $172,000
Days On The Market: 420 Days

Competitor Four:
List Price Amount: $172,000
Net Sale Amount: $189,800
Days On The Market: 45 Days

Other Competitors
There are three other properties still on the market with no contracts. One has been on the market for 334 days, the second has been on the market 53 days, and the third one has been on the market for 298 days.

Basically the lesson to be learned here is that you will not net a higher value for over listing your property but more likely you will net less and your market time will substantially increase. In a declining market like the one we are in right now, it is inevitable that your value will decrease in a matter of weeks and months. Pricing the home correctly up front will net you more money and reduce your market days. Don't make the mistake many of our competitors did in the market.

If your looking for some help on how to competitively market and price your property call me today to discuss your options. All Consultations are free of charge.

Raymond Kennedy
Direct: 815-301-7007

Friday, July 17, 2009

Sold A Tinley Park Townhome in 48 Days - Another Success

Once again it is possible to sell a home in a relatively short amount of time. Early this year, as you can see from the snow in the picture, I had sold this property in 48 days. This is an unusually fast sale. It just shows that if you price the property correctly you can get it sold in a reasonably quick fashion. Pricing and marketing your condo and/or townhome is extremely important in your selling in a short amount of time.

Check out this link to see just one of the items I use to help market my properties.

Tinley Park Condo Sold In 20 Days In Todays Market

It Is Possible, Your Home Can Be Sold Quickly In Today's Market
This home successfully took a contract in 20 days.

The property located at 7767 W. Bristol Park Drive Unit 4NW took a contract in 20 days when the average market time was well over 180 days. This location is not listed on the FHA approved site so it was necessary to get what is called a Spot Approval since the buyer purchased this with an FHA loan.

Realistically if you price your property correctly and market it correctly it should sell quickly regardless of the market. Having the right representation can make all the difference. Some of the same units sat on the market for well over 180 days.

For more information on how I sold this so quickly in a challenging market feel free to contact me at (815) 301-7007 or email me at

Getting Your Tinley Park Condo, Townhome & Duplex Values Instantly


I recently developed this online resource for you to help determine what the value of your condo, townhome, duplex or single family home is worth based off of other recently sold like properties.

Click here to start evaluating you poperty value.

This site will give you important information about the recent properties sold, pictures, statistics and amenities.

You can contact me directly at (815) 301-7007 or email me at

Ramond Kennedy
Tinley Park Condo Expert & Consultant
RE/MAX Team 2000

The History Of FHA & It's Importance Today

History Of FHA
Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans has developed a negative stigma due to various guidelines and a misunderstanding of it's origins and why it is important. This was introduced back in the 1930's when home ownership was well under 50% to help our economy recover from the "Great Depression". The purpose of this was to encourage the growth of home ownership and stabilize the housing economy during tough times.

How FHA Helped Homeowners
This was designed to insure loans with low interests rates so consumers could afford to purchase homes even in difficult economic times. In the 75 year history FHA has insured more than 34 million home mortgages. When this was introduced back in the 1930's when there was a record rate of job losses and increasingly aggressive mortgage terms which it made it nearly impossible for most consumers to afford a home purchase. Hmmm, this sounds familiar,doesn't it? Through the 1970's when interest rates sky rocketed FHA helped stabilize the economy once again. Don't forget about the 1980 recession where once again FHA stabilized the economy. History repeats itself and once again we can face an economy where FHA will be needed to help stabilize our houusing market.

Making FHA A Better Option For You
As a condo association you may suffer if you can not get a FHA loan approved due to disciminatory language. Click here to learn more about how FHA affects your condos value. The next step is to help reduce the negative effects of the up and coming FHA market for those associations that are not approved. Click here to find out more on how to do this.

You can contact me directly at (815) 301-7007 or email me at

Ramond Kennedy
Tinley Park Condo Expert & Consultant
RE/MAX Team 2000

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Removing The Verbiage "Right Of First Refusal"

Consider Getting This Verbiage Removed From Your Condo Documentation
If your condo assocation has the language of "Right of First Refusal" than you should seriously consider coming together with other members in your building to get this amended. This typically would require an amendment to your condo documentation.

The Benefit
The main benefit of this is to increase or at least maintain the value of your building or complex. Spending a little money now will reward you down the road. FHA loans are now becoming the majority of all loans especially for first time home buyers. Condos, Townhomes and Duplexes traditionally attract first time home buyers as the target market because of size, price and low maintenance. That being said, if your condo association has the language "Right Of First Refusal" than you are eliminating a majority of the willing and able buyers that could potentially purchase a condo or unit in your association. This will reduce demand and in return devalue your property substantially. Right now this language is eating away your equity.

This image is just for illustration purposes and used to help demonstrate how your equity could be affected by eliminating buyers with FHA loans due to the decrease of demand. These are not based off any data sources and shouldn't be considered accurate loss of equity.

You can contact me directly at (815) 301-7007 or email me at

Ramond Kennedy
Tinley Park Condo Expert & Consultant
RE/MAX Team 2000

FHA Approved Condos In Tinley Park


HUD provides a list of already approved condos in various areas. I have provided their current updated list. If your condo / association is on this list you are very likely approved. I would always double check by either reading your association rules and regulations and make sure there is no language stating it has "First Right Of Refusal".

Brementowne Estates
Cambridge Place
Castlebar Condominiums
Cedar Cove
Chantilly Condominiums
Cherry Creek II
Cherry Creek South
Cherry Hill Farms / Westberry Village
Edgewater Walk / Lake Bluff Condo
Hamilton Hills II Condominium
Kirby Condominium / Town Pointe
Lakeview Condominium / Square Brementown Square
Lakeview Condominium / Lakeview - Berry Creek
Meadows Park Estates Condo
Millenium Lakes Condominium
Oak Village
Park Venture Condominium
Pine Tree Lane Condominium
Sandalwood Condo (7321 West 175th St)
Steeple Run Condominium
Tiffany Park Condominium I
Tiffany Park Condominium II
Tinley Court Condominiums
Town Pointe Condominiums
Westberry Village Condominiums
Westberry Village West Condo
Westbury Village II

Remember, just because your not on this list doesn't mean you can't sell your condo to a FHA buyer. This list is just the condos that have already been approved. To find out if your association is able to sell to an FHA buyer the first step is to contact me. I can help assist you on how to find this information out.

This information is provided by It is considered very reliable but not guaranteed. Feel free to visit the site to see for yourself.

You can contact me directly at (815) 301-7007 or email me at

Ramond Kennedy
Tinley Park Condo Expert & Consultant
RE/MAX Team 2000

Why is FHA So Important For Condos, Townhomes & Duplex Sales?

Not Knowing Can Be Damaging When Purchasing & Selling Your Tinley Park Condo, Townhome or Duplex.

Most homeowners usually don’t get involved in the processes of financing a purchase of a home until it is their time to pursue a loan. Even then, most borrowers only learn what they feel they need to know. This is unfortunate because it is a example of how not knowing can be very damaging to your pocket book and equity of your home. There are a lot of unknowns when purchasing a property in todays market.

Is Your Condo FHA Approved or "First Right Of Refusal" in the docs?
First piece of knowledge you should find out is if your condo complex is FHA approved. More importantly, find out if there is verbiage in your condo docs (rules & regulations) saying whether your association has “A First Right Of Refusal”. This is very important to know in regards to purchasing a condo and selling your condo.

For the purpose of this article I just want to give you some insight on how FHA can affect the value of your property. I am going to take this step by step and if you have any questions or would like clarification, please feel free to call or email at (815) 301-7007 or

To understand this you need to understand what FHA is. FHA stands for the Federal Housing Administration. A FHA loan is insured by the government and gives homeowners the opportunity to still purchase a home with a low down payment. This is currently a minimum of 3.5%. Back in 2004 & 2005 FHA loans only accounted for roughly 4 percent of all loans. The reason for this is there were so many creative conventional products/loans that offered zero or low down payment options. These creative loans have for the most part disappeared. If you have payed attention to the media over the last couple of years I am sure you have some knowledge of this. Back in 2008 the amount of FHA loans rose to 25% and have been increasing at a record pace. In order to qualify for a conventional loan today you would either have to have 20% down or you could go with 10% if your credit scores were in the 700’s. Lets face it, this does not account for the majority. Now you can see why FHA is becoming the main mortgage and why this is in many cases a buyers only option. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with an FHA loan but it does create a dilemma for many sellers because of the guidelines that are attached to an FHA loan.

So here is the bad news about FHA. Many associations have condo docs or rules and regulations. At one point an attorney wrote these up and it was common to put language in the rules and regulation that said the association had “First Right Of Refusal”. This means that the association could refuse to allow a prospective buyer to purchase a property at their sole discretion. FHA looks at this as discriminatory and therefore will not approve a loan for the purchase of a condo, townhome or duplex with this language in the rules and regulations.

Is your home FHA approved? If it is than in this current market you are in the best situation. FHA has a list of condo complexes that have already been approved. I have provided that list here so that you can see if your complex is on that list. If it is on the list you don’t have to worry about your home being affected by this.

Don’t worry, just because your condo is not on the list it doesn’t mean that you have to turn away FHA buyers. The next step is if your not on the list you need to find out if your condo rules and regulation has verbiage stating “First Right Of Refusal” There is a work around which is to do what is called a “Spot Approval”. This is not an option if the language “First Right Of Refusal” is in your docs.

The last and unfortunately worse scenario is you find out that your docs have this language in it. You very likely will only be able to sell to Conventional and Cash buyers only. FHA may not be or ever be an option. Here it is, the bad news, your values will likely be affected in a negative way.

Lets say there are 100 willing and able buyers in our current market looking for a condo in Tinley Park. I just did a quick search and there are exactly 254 active attached single family homes (condos, townhomes, duplexes) between the price of $100,000 to $250,000 located in Tinley Park. Its likely that the target market is first time home buyers for this price range and this type of property. If 80% of these borrowers can only obtain a FHA loan that means that only 20 of them are willing and able buyers for the properties that have this discriminatory language in their condo docs. Less buyers equal less demand. Less demand and you will see your values decrease substantially.

So how can you compete? First of all you need to have a competent Realtor that understands this and can market the property and price the property appropriately. If your missing this than your sale will be far more difficult than it needs to be. I will be discussing some things you can do early on before you even consider moving to prevent this from being an issue. Stay tuned and visit often to find out more about this. I recommend taking a pro-active approach to help you maintain your values before you decide to sell whether that be in 2 years, 5 years, 10 years or 20. Waiting until it is time to sell is too late.

Important notice for buyers, if you bought in a complex that has the “First Right of Refusal” than you are about to learn a lesson if your selling. Unfortunately this should have been discussed upon the purchase of the property. If your looking at purchasing a condo in the near future, you need to consider this as a resale issue down the road. Since many Real Estate professionals have not been involved in writing FHA loans back in the boom this important information may have been forgotten or maybe not ever known. Now it’s important to note the burden falls on many professionals such as your Real Estate attorney, your loan officer etc. This is why you want a Real Estate Consultant working for you opposed to a Real Estate Salesperson. If you would like more information on this you can contact me, your Tinley Park Real Estate Consultant at (815)-301-7007.

List of current approved condos in Tinley Park.

With your participation I want to help the condo owners stuck in this situation and help them maintain their values. If you are questioning whether you are in an association where there is "First Right Of Refusal" or if you would like to take a pro-active approach to helping your values email me with these questions. Please leave a contact number, your address and what your inquiry or question is.

You can contact me directly at (815) 301-7007 or email me at

Ramond Kennedy
Tinley Park Condo Expert & Consultant
RE/MAX Team 2000